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UNABOM Suspect Sketches

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Initial FBI composite completed and released on Feb. 21, 1987.
This is the initial FBI composite created under the direction of the Salt Lake City CAAMs, Inc. booby-trap bombing eye witness by an FBI artist. This composite appeared on a wanted poster distributed by the FBI.

Official Unabomb Task Force composite completed and released on March 18, 1987.
Official USPS composite release, created under the direction of the Salt Lake City CAAMs, Inc. booby-trap bombing eye witness by composite artist Robert T. Exter, at the request of the ATF and US Postal Inspectors.

Updated FBI Unabomb Task Force Composite completed and released in 1994
Official FBI composite release, created under the direction of the Salt Lake City CAAMs, Inc. booby-trap bombing eye witness by composite artist Jean Boylan.

Composite without sunglasses completed but not released in 1994
Composite artist Robert T. Exter renders an idea of eye structure based on comparisons of skull structure to the 1987 Unabomb Task Force Release. The bomber was not seen without sunglasses.

Composite - date and release is unknown
Unknown source and date.

The Truth is Redacted Website
© 1997 Bill Adams
The page last updated 7/5/97

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